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Good morning, Las Vegas. I hope the city is having an enjoyable spring so far. So, we’ve talked about the kinds of diseases that pigeons can spread. Let’s have a little brief info sheet on where pigeons most commonly nest and perch. After this you should be able to have a good idea where that cooing is coming from in the morning.

Where the cooing is coming

Alright, so first, about that cooing. The problem with trying to say positively knowing where the cooing is coming based off sound direction is that pigeon call tends to reverberate and echo off multiple surfaces. This creates an illusion that the sounds are coming from a particular direction when it’s coming from a different direction or, the sound creates the illusion of surround sound, making it even more difficult to pinpoint. So going off sound can be ineffective. Knowing where pigeons are going to be nesting can be more helpful. That information is much more valuable than a BB gun.

Understanding Pigeon Behavior

Nesting Habits

Pigeons are known to nest in elevated areas that provide shelter and safety from predators. They are attracted to ledges, rooftops, and other high structures that resemble their natural cliff-side habitats.

Mating Season

Pigeons have a strong nesting instinct during their breeding season, which typically occurs in spring and summer. Understanding their breeding patterns will help in implementing preventive measures effectively.

The most common place for a pigeon to make a nest

Let’s talk a little bit about building construction here. Some of us have a roof design that funnels a roof into a roof. It may be a gable end of the garage or the side of the house that meets the main roof or it may just be design qualities of the house. This feature is called a roof return, and it is, in my opinion, the most common place for a pigeon to make a nest. Another building feature that is common with bird problems is roof-installed HVAC units. Some of these units have their duct work and support post built together. 

Most new homes built don’t even have HVACs on the roof. Older homes, however, often have HVACs on the roof that have a shaded area underneath the unit which is often being supported by stainless bar steel. This provides the second most common pigeon nesting sites in my opinion but there is more. Swamp coolers, sheds, window ledges, cracked roof tiles and on top of shaded objects like TVs and cabinets.

Pigeons, often considered urban pests, can become a nuisance when they nest in or around our homes and buildings. Their droppings can cause damage and create unhygienic conditions. To prevent pigeons from nesting and to remove existing nests, it’s important to employ effective strategies that are humane and environmentally friendly.

We’ve also got a big problem with pigeon nests on commercial building roofs. We have all seen the bird flocks outside of Walmarts or grocery stores, and we have also all seen the bird perching on the ledges above Targets, Best Buys, and any other strip mall ledges. What most people don’t know is that most of these commercial buildings have AC units or swamp coolers installed on the roof, usually propped up off the roof with wood beams or steel supports. 

This provides the perfect opportunity for birds to slip under these structures and build a nest. And what an expense this can end up being. Most commercial buildings have many units on their roofs and businesses usually don’t address the problem until the deep of summer.

Unfortunately, businesses don’t often address their pigeon problems, until a customer or even just a passer-by slips on droppings, injures themselves and sues the business, property manager or even the owner of the building. An effort to save thousands of dollars in costly pigeon pest control that a business or building owner may not see the value of can turn into an expense of hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in court payouts or settlements in slip-n-fall cases.

How to prevent pigeons from nesting

Remove Food Sources

Pigeons are drawn to places with a readily available food supply. Eliminate any potential food sources such as uncovered garbage bins, pet food left outside, or spilled grains. Keep the area clean and free of food debris.

Seal Entry Points

Inspect the building for any gaps, cracks, or openings that pigeons could use to access nesting sites. Seal these entry points with materials like wire mesh, bird netting, or sealant to deny them entry.

Install Deterrents

Spikes and Wires

Install bird spikes or wires on ledges and other potential roosting areas. These deterrents make it uncomfortable for pigeons to land and nest. Ensure they are securely attached and cover the entire surface.

Bird Netting

Use bird netting to cover open spaces like balconies, rooftops, or areas where pigeons are likely to nest. Netting should be properly tensioned to prevent pigeons from accessing the area.

Visual Deterrents

Hang reflective objects, like CDs or metallic streamers, near nesting sites. Pigeons are deterred by flashing lights and moving objects. Additionally, installing plastic owls or hawk decoys can create a predatory presence and discourage nesting.

Ultrasonic Devices

Consider using ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to pigeons. These devices are harmless to humans and most pets but can be effective in repelling birds.

Create Physical Barriers

Use wire mesh or screens to cover openings like vents, chimneys, and windows. These barriers allow air circulation while p

reventing pigeons from entering and nesting.

At American Pest Control, we have been successfully controlling pigeons for over 50 years.  We are happy to help you get your home back to a clean and pigeon-free environment.  Give us a call at 702-382-6366 today to get your free estimate or check out our page on pigeon control.